Company’s presentation:
The Arconhe srl company registered in the register of innovative
startups, wasborn on 12/28/2018 with the sole purpose of managing,
developing andmarketing the Noname® brand and the mixture of inert food gases (also registered in the patent office as a utility model) by Eng. Lucio Piticchio, apartner of the same.It all stems from an intuition of Eng. Piticchio during maintenance work on awell at the Gela refinery, where a gas mixture was used instead of liquid CO2. In 2018 the company won the ESPA Innovation Awards for innovation andexcellence in the health and spa sector.In 2020 the company participates in the PNRM demonstrating that Noname iseffective against limestone and biofilm even on military ships without changing the components of the water.
Focus on the core product or new technologies of the Company
Noname™ is a patented mixture of inert gases that, injected into the water, iscapable of solubilizing limestone in suspension in the water and limestone already formed on the walls of the water network and users ofthe same. Noname™ has an outstanding pickling effect and the power to decrease sediment biofilm from wells, distribution or liquid transport networks. Its antimicrobial function blocks bacterial fermentation avoiding mineralprecipitate in minerals attacked by bacteria.Noname™ fulfils many functions in water and other liquids treatment: it cleans the whole hydraulic network (that does not need to be closed) and
it eliminatesall the limestone deposits avoiding the use of corrosive and polluting acids. Laboratory analyses prove that water organoleptic and chemical structureis not altered, hardness is temporary and precipitation does not occur anymore.
The analyzes carried out by the University of Genoa confirm the effectiveness of NONAME in the solubilization of limestone on encrusted pipes without damaging them, even after only 24 hours of testing. Comparing the results obtained confirms the potential of the NONAME mixture and its effectiveness in preventing new formations while keeping the pipes perfectly clean.
Why is it important for your company to participate in Seafuture?
We participate in Seafuture because the PNRM has demonstrated that the product also works on military naval:- Approximately 8% more ship
autonomy- Reduction of ship stops- Useful for the fight against legionella. We bring to Seafuture an product innovative, 100% green
product, a CO2sequester capable of improving the life on board of the crew and ships, making them greener.