Defend, preserve, protect. ROOM 3

7 June 2023

Sea Shepherd Italia Onlus Foundation

Do we want to continue to exploit the sea or do we finally decide to safeguard the sea and ourselves? Everyday Sea Shepherd volunteers goes to the sea to defend its inhabitants and what do we want to do? Looking back in our history there have been tragic pages where people have chosen to become partisans to gain freedom. Today it is up to us to become fighters, partisans to save our species from absurd logics that exploit the planet. So it’s up to us to pick a side. Collaboration between police forces and civil society, the great challenge of the new anti-poaching in the Sea

Chairman Andrea Morello

Speaker Adv. Cesare Colonna (online)

15.40 - 16.00 The Police of the Sea

Brigadier General Maurizio Muscarà

16.00 -16.30

Intervention by the Minister of Civil Protection and Sea Policies, On. Nello Musumeci

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