Different paths to decarbonise the ports  ROOM 2

7 June 2023


Offshore energy production

Renewable energy will play a fundamental role in reaching the European goal of being climate-neutral by 2050 – including the generation of more energy at sea and from the sea. Although the deployment of offshore technologies for electricity generation in the Mediterranean Sea has been relatively slow so far, thanks to technological innovation, there is now a big potential for further development in a cost-effective way, both for wind and wave energy power.

Moderator Luigi Severini, President iLStudio Severini


Giuseppe Costanzo, Analyst - Markets & Wind Energy Technology Wind Europe

Lotta Pirttimaa, Senior Policy Officer Ocean Energy Europe

Agnes Agterberg, Economic Affairs Counselor Embassy of the Netherlands in Italy

Vincenzo di Pisa, Director Copenhagen Offshore Partner

Alessandro Migliorini, Country Manager Italy European Energy

The future of onshore power supply

What are the real perspectives and uses of cold ironing in the Italian and European contexts?

Moderator Alexio Picco, managing director Circle Group and EU funding expert


  Fabrizio Maggioni, Sales Manager Mont-Ele

Fabio Brunetti, Project Manager Mont-Ele

Presentation of European Project EALING

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