6 June 2023
SGD/DNA – Segretariato Generale della Difesa/Direzione Nazionale Armamenti
Secretariat General of Defence and National Armaments Directorate / 5th Department - Technological Innovation
Technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems and quantum technologies are changing the world, and the way NATO operates. These and other emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) present both risks and opportunities for NATO and Allies. That’s why the Alliance is working with public and private sector partners, academia and civil society to develop and adopt new technologies, establish international principles of responsible use and maintain NATO’s technological edge. In this context, NATO has launched two initiatives (DIANA and NIF) to foster innovation and EDTs. The aim of this workshop is informing and promoting DIANA and the NIF within the International Delegations and the community of entrepreneurs, SME’s, start-ups, universities, research institutes, technology cluster associations and institutions dealing with the naval and underwater sectors.
Chairman Capt. (N) Francesco A. Marchetti, Head of Research Programs – Strategy and planning
Ms. Francesca Tortorella, Senior Policy Advisor – NATO, Diana Transition Team
General briefing on DIANA (Concept, Functioning Model, Strategic Direction, Opportunities and Timelines)
Mr. Philip Lockwood, Head, Innovation Unit – NATO, NIF Transition Team
General briefing on the NIF (Concept, Governance & Structure, Objectives & Principles, Relationship to DIANA, Opportunities and Timelines)
Dr. Giovanni Sembenini, Deputy Director – NATO, CMRE
CMRE: Activities on S&T, Innovation, Maritime, Emerging Disruptive Technologies, Underwater and role within DIANA initiative
Dr. Stefano Molino, Senior Partner - CDP Venture Capital
Why an accelerator can be a game changer on innovation
Special Guest Mr. Maynard A. Holliday – Deputy Chief Technology Officer For Critical Technologies – United States Department of Defense