Project “DIP-WORKING”, co-financed by the European Union under the POR-FESR Liguria 2014-2020 “Research and Innovation” call, Action 1.2.4. 2020 Pitch Area

7 June 2023

Organizer: PhD Andrea Caffaz, Graal Tech s.r.l.

Virtual training system for diving operators in a safe and controlled environment, very realistic from a perceptual point of view

Chairman Andrea Dellacasa, Drafinsub s.r.l.


Dr. Francesco Lupi, Lead Partner of the Project – BK s.r.l.

Virtual Trainer: 3D Virtual Operating Environment and Serious Game

PhD Andrea Ravaschio, Co-Proponent of the project – GPEM s.r.l.

Motion-capture system: virtual-walking, virtual-finning

PhD Marco Gambetta, Co-Proponent of the project – GRAAL TECH s.r.l.

Controlled harness system, diving helmet with VR adaptation

Pitch Area

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