Events in June 2023

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
5 June 2023(5 events)

5 June 2023

Pitch Session

PREINVEL s.r.l. - startup 

Fluid-dynamic filtration technology is a brand new technology for the demolition of dust and pollutants from urban marine and/or industrial activities. It is a very low-cost technology with very high performance.


Angelo di Noi, CEO – PREINVEL S.R.L.


5 June 2023

Pitch Session

Oceandrone is an uncrewed, autonomous eco-robotic wind, solar and fuel cell powered sailing craft, designed to operate in extreme weather conditions with an autonomy of several months.


Mr. Stefano Malagodi, Director – Xunord

Mr. Ali Wahoud, Project Manager – Xunord

Mr. Gabriele Nardi, CFO – Innovo

5 June 2023

5 June 2023

Pitch Session

In a time when climate change poses a serious threat, clean solutions for transports and human settlements have a pivotal role in sustainability. For example, maritime transport alone emits around 940 million tons of CO2 annually and is responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (3rd IMO GHG study). Therefore, zero emission vessels are needed to decarbonize the sector by 2030. Solid state hydrogen storage offers safety and cost advantages for the maritime and stationary applications, allowing the development of a hydrogen economy: together with electrolysers and fuel cells, storage systems are required to accelerate the transition to renewable energies. MetHydor provides reliable hydrogen storage systems based on metal hydrides, the design, customization and the integration thereof.


Eng. PhD Thomas Lamberti, CEO – Methydor

Metal Hydride hydrogen storage

Eng. PhD Davide Violi, Chief Technical Eng. - Methydor

Metal Hydride hydrogen storage

5 June 2023

Boatmate is a revolutionary global technology platform dedicated to digitizing the recreational boating industry. Our mission is to create a cutting-edge, intelligent, and data-driven platform that transforms the industry landscape. In this abstract, we present Boatmate’s comprehensive technologies developed to empower marine businesses and enhance the boating experience for boaters worldwide.Our turn-key e-commerce and payment solutions offer marine businesses the opportunity to seamlessly digitize their operations, streamlining processes and providing a more efficient and convenient experience for their customers. Through our platform, businesses can start digitizing their sales operations at no cost and leverage the power of online transactions. This enables them to provide a better and up-to-date digitized customer experience for their clients and expand their customer base through our integrated marketplace.Boatmate’s platform not only facilitates e-commerce infrastructure and secure, hassle-free transactions but also empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. By harnessing the wealth of information generated by our platform, marine businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and performance metrics. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to refine their strategies, personalize their offerings, and maximize customer satisfaction.


Mr. Murat Ghuran, Co-founder&CEO – Boatmate

Empowering the Recreational Boating Industry through Digital Transformation

6 June 2023(4 events)

6 June 2023

6 June 2023

Some facts about the enterprise system from the Confartigianato Meccanica 2023 report

The report presents the collected statistical data showing the key figures of mechanics and evidence of Italy’s European leadership in terms of number of employees in MPI.


Dr. Enrico Quintavalle, Director Ufficio Studi – Confartigianato

Mechanics, Enterprises, Employees, Crafts, MPI, labour

6 June 2023

6 June 2023

CNA La Spezia

Focus on the underwater and applied technology as a research opportunity and business sector.

Chairman Journalist Emanuela Cavallo


Dr. Fabio Faralli, Contrammiraglio Medico (ris.) - Italian Navy

Health and Safety

Dr. Alessandro Battaglia, National Head of CNA Nautica

Nautical and Production

Dr. Giovanni Indiveri, Professor at the University of Genoa

Technology and Robotics

7 June 2023(15 events)

7 June 2023


Time flies, they say, and the goal of a 90% reduction in transport emissions by 2050 seems hard to meet at this point. Hydrogen and ammonia are the most discussed “new” fuels for ships when the discussion comes to shipping decarbonization, but they’re not the only free-emissions possible propulsions: within the session, we will also discuss opportunities and challenges - tech and business-wise - of wind propulsion.

Moderator Giovanni Satta, Associate Professor Department of Economics and Business Studies University of Genoa


Katalin Dobranszky, Senior Director Innovation, Finance & Fiscal Affairs – ECSA

Darko Levicar, Director Transport Policy Hydrogen Europe

Cristina Maggi, Director H2IT

Mario Mattioli, President, Confitarma

Ignazio Messina, Ports and Infrastructure Committee Delegate Assarmatori

Orestis Schinas, Delegate International Windship Association


Sergio Torriani, Founder and CEO Simplifhy

Filippo Lossani, Director della BU Marine ECOSPRAY

7 June 2023


The Teseo Mk2/E has been defined and designed thanks to an intense collaboration between the Italian Navy and MBDA, which will be together to illustrate the status of the programme for this brand new system, which MBDA will supply to the Italian Military Navy.  This new generation system, which builds on the legacy Teseo family, known worldwide as OTOMAT, will bring a substantial improvement in anti-ship capabilities.

7 June 2023

7 June 2023


Offshore energy production

Renewable energy will play a fundamental role in reaching the European goal of being climate-neutral by 2050 – including the generation of more energy at sea and from the sea. Although the deployment of offshore technologies for electricity generation in the Mediterranean Sea has been relatively slow so far, thanks to technological innovation, there is now a big potential for further development in a cost-effective way, both for wind and wave energy power.

Moderator Luigi Severini, President iLStudio Severini


Giuseppe Costanzo, Analyst - Markets & Wind Energy Technology Wind Europe

Lotta Pirttimaa, Senior Policy Officer Ocean Energy Europe

Agnes Agterberg, Economic Affairs Counselor Embassy of the Netherlands in Italy

Vincenzo di Pisa, Director Copenhagen Offshore Partner

Alessandro Migliorini, Country Manager Italy European Energy

The future of onshore power supply

What are the real perspectives and uses of cold ironing in the Italian and European contexts?

Moderator Alexio Picco, managing director Circle Group and EU funding expert


  Fabrizio Maggioni, Sales Manager Mont-Ele

Fabio Brunetti, Project Manager Mont-Ele

Presentation of European Project EALING

7 June 2023

Pitch Session

Scia – startup

SCIA is a software for on board maintenance and it’s the result of an enhancing project that involved ship owners, crew, builders and project managers, aimed to simplify the complex management of naval units. SCIA works with shipyards and service partners in the nautical and naval industry to provide a comprehensive package of coordinated services that follow 4 key aspects of a vessel’s life-cycle. Owner’s manuals are compiled during the design-to-construction phase, Training takes place during the hand-over of the ship, ILS defines the vessel’s maintenance plan following the warranty period and a custom CMMS App allows owner’s to supervise maintenance activities and optimize their vessel’s performance.


Mr. Matteo De Angelis, CEO – Scia srl

Scia maintenance software

Mr. Tomaso Aroldi, CTO – Scia srl

Ship manuals - Training – ILS

7 June 2023


in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and RAM

Moderator Alexio Picco, managing director Circle Group and EU funding expert


Elisabetta Pellegrini, Coordinator of the Technical Structure of Mission for the strategic direction, the development of infrastructures and the High surveillance of the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports

Mario Sommariva, President Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority


Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


Hon. Edoardo Rixi, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

7 June 2023

Pitch Session

MYWAI – startup

How can the latest generation technologies come to help in controlling and managing a process, or an asset in the industrial, transportation , integrated logistics sectors? MYWAI has a highly innovative answer with use cases implemented in partnership with major international players.


Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO – MYWAI

Advanced technologies applied to industrial, transportation and logistics sectors.

7 June 2023


Hon. Edoardo Rixi, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Ivano Russo, Sole Administrator, RAM

7 June 2023


The possibility of being defined as “energy communities” has finally been recognized to ports, as a support for their transition to the use of renewable energies to satisfy the typical energy-intensive needs of port areas. Ports, therefore, assume an increasingly central role in the current energy transition process, becoming energy hubs - energy storage and distribution points - and encouraging the consumption of green energy by the entire maritime cluster and inland supply chain. Which will be the next steps of this new path for ports?

Moderator Luca Bergonzoli, Managing Partner Integra Società Benefit


Jean Pierre Lamblin, Founder CO2 Tracker

Lucas Bosser, Director for Transport and Energy, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)

Beladjine Boumedienne, Senior lecturer, university of science and technology, expert in green shipping, ministry of high education, consultant CETIC

Adriana Salazar, Blue Economy Expert, Union for the Mediterranean

Sergio Pedrazzini, Sole Administrator Solar Solutions, Gruppo Fratelli Visconti

Federico Aleotti, Researcher RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico

7 June 2023

Organizer: PhD Andrea Caffaz, Graal Tech s.r.l.

Compact electric robotic arm for small commercial ROVs controlled by console wearable on small boats.

Chairman Andrea Dellacasa, Drafinsub s.r.l.


Dr. Andrea Dellacasa, Lead Partner of the project – DRAFINSUB s.r.l.

Need for use and problems addressed

PhD Michal Jilich, Co-Proponent of the project – GRAAL TECH s.r.l.

Compact electric robotic arm

Fabrizio Sciarra, Co-Proponent of the project – BK s.r.l.

Augmented Reality wearable ground-station

7 June 2023

Organizer: PhD Andrea Caffaz, Graal Tech s.r.l.

Virtual training system for diving operators in a safe and controlled environment, very realistic from a perceptual point of view

Chairman Andrea Dellacasa, Drafinsub s.r.l.


Dr. Francesco Lupi, Lead Partner of the Project – BK s.r.l.

Virtual Trainer: 3D Virtual Operating Environment and Serious Game

PhD Andrea Ravaschio, Co-Proponent of the project – GPEM s.r.l.

Motion-capture system: virtual-walking, virtual-finning

PhD Marco Gambetta, Co-Proponent of the project – GRAAL TECH s.r.l.

Controlled harness system, diving helmet with VR adaptation

7 June 2023


The “blue economy” is a huge segment of the global economy and we are fully aware of the impact of its activities on both the oceans and the land and, therefore, the importance of making it as sustainable as possible to support the European green transition. In this context, limiting environmental damages is not enough: alongside the effort to reduce emissions, it is necessary to develop circular and regenerative models that enable nature-based solutions with vitality and health for economic systems, generating new business opportunities for all the blue economy players and significantly benefiting marine ecosystems. The session will also focus on the crucial role of ports in reducing marine litter through effective waste management.


Cristian Chiavetta, Industrial researcher on Circular Economy ENEA

Chiara Lombardi, Researcher at the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - ENEA


Alexia Spyridonidou, Business Development Manager of the Circular Economy and Climate Change Institute of the EPLO

David Pellegrini, 1° Scientific Researcher, ISPRA

Matilda Mali, Reseracher PhD Chemistry And Environmental Technology, Polytechnic University of Bari

Simone Pacciardi, Special projects, relations with the EU and market development Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea

Marcello Magaldi, Researcher CNR-ISMAR

Paolo Varrella, President of the “Cooperativa Mitilicoltori Associati”

Mirvana Feletti, Officer in charge of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Regione Liguria

Claudia Gianstefani, Councillor for the Environment Municipality of Lerici

7 June 2023


Scientific progress and the development of a community depend greatly on the balances created between research, politics and the industrial system. Exploring these complex dynamics is not easy, but it is essential. Different interests and different languages require careful analysis by those who are called upon to inform the community.

Introduction Journalist Silvia Baglioni

Chairman Federico Pedrocchi, Radio 24


Margherita Fronte, Journalist and Editor of Focus

Marco Bianucci, CNR-ISMAR physicist, University lecturer and science communication expert;

Alessandro Damiani, President of the European Research Promotion Agency

7 June 2023

Port/city relationship - Sustainable projects 

Every year, hundreds of millions of travelers transit through European ports. Sometimes, friction with the city where ports are located might arise because of the management of a large number of tourists, transportation congestion, and high polluting emissions. Today, thanks to the cooperation between ports, local administrators, and other public-private players such as cruise companies, it is possible to foster a better city-port relationship with projects and initiatives that support an integrated and more sustainable development of the city-port areas in terms of economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects

Moderator Federica Montaresi, Secretary General Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority


Alberto Cappato, General Manager AIVP

Serena Carassale, ESG and Sustainability Specialist Tarros Group

Flora Albano, Office EU Affairs, Project Management and Blended Finance Western Sicilian Sea Port Authority

Daniele Ciulli, General Manager La Spezia and Carrara Cruise Terminal

Giacomo Raul Giampedrone, Councillor for Public Works, Infrastructure and Roads, Water and Waste Cycle, Soil Protection, Environment and Land Protection Liguria Region

7 June 2023


Shipyards can play an important role in the ecological transition of the sector. It is not only about building ships that can use new fuels or green coatings, but also about the sustainable management of the shipyard’s operations, therefore the use of renewable energy and, for example, the attention to the whole waste management cycle.

Moderator TBC


Ana Casaca, Founder and CEO World of Shipping Portugal - Trainer & Researcher, External Expert European Commissiown World of Shipping Portugal

Mario Gerini, President Confindustria La Spezia

Patrizia Saccone, Councillor for Economic Development, Labour, EU Affairs, University and Research, Miglio Blu Project, Professional Education, Urban and Territorial Planning, Territorial Construction Municipality of La Spezia

Paolo Bertetti, Vice President Technical & R&D Sanlorenzo Yacht

Paolo Misitano, Quality Department Director The Italian Sea Group

Riccardo Papa, Director CISITA

Roberto Guido Sgherri, President Fondazione ITS


8 June 2023(5 events)

8 June 2023


Thales Pathmaster is a suite of tested and qualified,  interchangeable and interoperable sub systems, sensors and software that combine to bring operational advantage to navies completing all mine warfare missions. The briefing will Focus on the core software of its Mission Management System (MMS) which is enabled by M-Cube and Mine Intelligence Mapping Mi-Map. M-Cube provides complete mission cycle Planning including concept and Evaluation functionality, compliant with NATO NMW standards and doctrine.  MiMap provides Artificial Intelligence enabled sonar analysis for multiple types of sonar, with an intuitive and operator developed user interface. The Thales MMS is open architecture by design; enabling low risk integration of sovereign, domestic and third party applications, sensors, Uncrewed platforms and adjacent MCM capabilities such as sweep. It can be delivered and integrated as a stand-alone system, portable, containerised or complementing a host ship’s Combat Management System (CMS). Thales is developing and delivering the world’s best capabilities for the Mine Warfare community ensuring the navies of the world using Thales equipment maintain the tactical advantage over current and emerging threats.


Mr James Dickie, Product Line Architect - Mine Warfare - Thales

8 June 2023

8 June 2023

Pitch Session

Mathclick SRL - startup

Artificial Intelligence can be used effectively to clean up data streams coming from sensors deployed on remote sensing platforms in remote locations, and to enhance remote sensors.

Chairman Michele Grassi


Dr. Michele Grassi, CEO-CTO – Mathclick srl

“AI enhanced data streams and remote sensors”

Dr. Alessandra Licciardello, COO – Mathclick srl

“Smart remote sensing platforms”

8 June 2023

Pitch Session

Jelter - startup

Founders: Rebecca Raho, Caterina Favella and Emanuela Tarasco

Our Jelter project is based on a system designed to clean the seas of microplastics, autonomously and easily. By adopting our Jelters, jellyfish buoys, our users will be able to place them in the sea through our location and start taking care of them. An engaging way to experience a new sustainability!

Chairmen Caterina Favella – Rebecca Raho

8 June 2023

9 June 2023
10 June 2023
11 June 2023
12 June 2023
13 June 2023
14 June 2023
15 June 2023
16 June 2023
17 June 2023
18 June 2023
19 June 2023
20 June 2023
21 June 2023
22 June 2023
23 June 2023
24 June 2023
25 June 2023
26 June 2023
27 June 2023
28 June 2023
29 June 2023
30 June 2023
1 July 2023
2 July 2023

Pitch Area Programme

Events in June 2023

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
5 June 2023(5 events)

5 June 2023

Pitch Session

PREINVEL s.r.l. - startup 

Fluid-dynamic filtration technology is a brand new technology for the demolition of dust and pollutants from urban marine and/or industrial activities. It is a very low-cost technology with very high performance.


Angelo di Noi, CEO – PREINVEL S.R.L.


5 June 2023

Pitch Session

Oceandrone is an uncrewed, autonomous eco-robotic wind, solar and fuel cell powered sailing craft, designed to operate in extreme weather conditions with an autonomy of several months.


Mr. Stefano Malagodi, Director – Xunord

Mr. Ali Wahoud, Project Manager – Xunord

Mr. Gabriele Nardi, CFO – Innovo

5 June 2023

5 June 2023

Pitch Session

In a time when climate change poses a serious threat, clean solutions for transports and human settlements have a pivotal role in sustainability. For example, maritime transport alone emits around 940 million tons of CO2 annually and is responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (3rd IMO GHG study). Therefore, zero emission vessels are needed to decarbonize the sector by 2030. Solid state hydrogen storage offers safety and cost advantages for the maritime and stationary applications, allowing the development of a hydrogen economy: together with electrolysers and fuel cells, storage systems are required to accelerate the transition to renewable energies. MetHydor provides reliable hydrogen storage systems based on metal hydrides, the design, customization and the integration thereof.


Eng. PhD Thomas Lamberti, CEO – Methydor

Metal Hydride hydrogen storage

Eng. PhD Davide Violi, Chief Technical Eng. - Methydor

Metal Hydride hydrogen storage

5 June 2023

Boatmate is a revolutionary global technology platform dedicated to digitizing the recreational boating industry. Our mission is to create a cutting-edge, intelligent, and data-driven platform that transforms the industry landscape. In this abstract, we present Boatmate’s comprehensive technologies developed to empower marine businesses and enhance the boating experience for boaters worldwide.Our turn-key e-commerce and payment solutions offer marine businesses the opportunity to seamlessly digitize their operations, streamlining processes and providing a more efficient and convenient experience for their customers. Through our platform, businesses can start digitizing their sales operations at no cost and leverage the power of online transactions. This enables them to provide a better and up-to-date digitized customer experience for their clients and expand their customer base through our integrated marketplace.Boatmate’s platform not only facilitates e-commerce infrastructure and secure, hassle-free transactions but also empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. By harnessing the wealth of information generated by our platform, marine businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and performance metrics. This data-driven approach empowers businesses to refine their strategies, personalize their offerings, and maximize customer satisfaction.


Mr. Murat Ghuran, Co-founder&CEO – Boatmate

Empowering the Recreational Boating Industry through Digital Transformation

6 June 2023(4 events)

6 June 2023

6 June 2023

Some facts about the enterprise system from the Confartigianato Meccanica 2023 report

The report presents the collected statistical data showing the key figures of mechanics and evidence of Italy’s European leadership in terms of number of employees in MPI.


Dr. Enrico Quintavalle, Director Ufficio Studi – Confartigianato

Mechanics, Enterprises, Employees, Crafts, MPI, labour

6 June 2023

6 June 2023

CNA La Spezia

Focus on the underwater and applied technology as a research opportunity and business sector.

Chairman Journalist Emanuela Cavallo


Dr. Fabio Faralli, Contrammiraglio Medico (ris.) - Italian Navy

Health and Safety

Dr. Alessandro Battaglia, National Head of CNA Nautica

Nautical and Production

Dr. Giovanni Indiveri, Professor at the University of Genoa

Technology and Robotics

7 June 2023(15 events)

7 June 2023


Time flies, they say, and the goal of a 90% reduction in transport emissions by 2050 seems hard to meet at this point. Hydrogen and ammonia are the most discussed “new” fuels for ships when the discussion comes to shipping decarbonization, but they’re not the only free-emissions possible propulsions: within the session, we will also discuss opportunities and challenges - tech and business-wise - of wind propulsion.

Moderator Giovanni Satta, Associate Professor Department of Economics and Business Studies University of Genoa


Katalin Dobranszky, Senior Director Innovation, Finance & Fiscal Affairs – ECSA

Darko Levicar, Director Transport Policy Hydrogen Europe

Cristina Maggi, Director H2IT

Mario Mattioli, President, Confitarma

Ignazio Messina, Ports and Infrastructure Committee Delegate Assarmatori

Orestis Schinas, Delegate International Windship Association


Sergio Torriani, Founder and CEO Simplifhy

Filippo Lossani, Director della BU Marine ECOSPRAY

7 June 2023


The Teseo Mk2/E has been defined and designed thanks to an intense collaboration between the Italian Navy and MBDA, which will be together to illustrate the status of the programme for this brand new system, which MBDA will supply to the Italian Military Navy.  This new generation system, which builds on the legacy Teseo family, known worldwide as OTOMAT, will bring a substantial improvement in anti-ship capabilities.

7 June 2023

7 June 2023


Offshore energy production

Renewable energy will play a fundamental role in reaching the European goal of being climate-neutral by 2050 – including the generation of more energy at sea and from the sea. Although the deployment of offshore technologies for electricity generation in the Mediterranean Sea has been relatively slow so far, thanks to technological innovation, there is now a big potential for further development in a cost-effective way, both for wind and wave energy power.

Moderator Luigi Severini, President iLStudio Severini


Giuseppe Costanzo, Analyst - Markets & Wind Energy Technology Wind Europe

Lotta Pirttimaa, Senior Policy Officer Ocean Energy Europe

Agnes Agterberg, Economic Affairs Counselor Embassy of the Netherlands in Italy

Vincenzo di Pisa, Director Copenhagen Offshore Partner

Alessandro Migliorini, Country Manager Italy European Energy

The future of onshore power supply

What are the real perspectives and uses of cold ironing in the Italian and European contexts?

Moderator Alexio Picco, managing director Circle Group and EU funding expert


  Fabrizio Maggioni, Sales Manager Mont-Ele

Fabio Brunetti, Project Manager Mont-Ele

Presentation of European Project EALING

7 June 2023

Pitch Session

Scia – startup

SCIA is a software for on board maintenance and it’s the result of an enhancing project that involved ship owners, crew, builders and project managers, aimed to simplify the complex management of naval units. SCIA works with shipyards and service partners in the nautical and naval industry to provide a comprehensive package of coordinated services that follow 4 key aspects of a vessel’s life-cycle. Owner’s manuals are compiled during the design-to-construction phase, Training takes place during the hand-over of the ship, ILS defines the vessel’s maintenance plan following the warranty period and a custom CMMS App allows owner’s to supervise maintenance activities and optimize their vessel’s performance.


Mr. Matteo De Angelis, CEO – Scia srl

Scia maintenance software

Mr. Tomaso Aroldi, CTO – Scia srl

Ship manuals - Training – ILS

7 June 2023


in collaboration with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and RAM

Moderator Alexio Picco, managing director Circle Group and EU funding expert


Elisabetta Pellegrini, Coordinator of the Technical Structure of Mission for the strategic direction, the development of infrastructures and the High surveillance of the Ministry of Infrastructures and the Transports

Mario Sommariva, President Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority


Cassa Depositi e Prestiti


Hon. Edoardo Rixi, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

7 June 2023

Pitch Session

MYWAI – startup

How can the latest generation technologies come to help in controlling and managing a process, or an asset in the industrial, transportation , integrated logistics sectors? MYWAI has a highly innovative answer with use cases implemented in partnership with major international players.


Fabrizio Cardinali, CEO – MYWAI

Advanced technologies applied to industrial, transportation and logistics sectors.

7 June 2023


Hon. Edoardo Rixi, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Ivano Russo, Sole Administrator, RAM

7 June 2023


The possibility of being defined as “energy communities” has finally been recognized to ports, as a support for their transition to the use of renewable energies to satisfy the typical energy-intensive needs of port areas. Ports, therefore, assume an increasingly central role in the current energy transition process, becoming energy hubs - energy storage and distribution points - and encouraging the consumption of green energy by the entire maritime cluster and inland supply chain. Which will be the next steps of this new path for ports?

Moderator Luca Bergonzoli, Managing Partner Integra Società Benefit


Jean Pierre Lamblin, Founder CO2 Tracker

Lucas Bosser, Director for Transport and Energy, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)

Beladjine Boumedienne, Senior lecturer, university of science and technology, expert in green shipping, ministry of high education, consultant CETIC

Adriana Salazar, Blue Economy Expert, Union for the Mediterranean

Sergio Pedrazzini, Sole Administrator Solar Solutions, Gruppo Fratelli Visconti

Federico Aleotti, Researcher RSE - Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico

7 June 2023

Organizer: PhD Andrea Caffaz, Graal Tech s.r.l.

Compact electric robotic arm for small commercial ROVs controlled by console wearable on small boats.

Chairman Andrea Dellacasa, Drafinsub s.r.l.


Dr. Andrea Dellacasa, Lead Partner of the project – DRAFINSUB s.r.l.

Need for use and problems addressed

PhD Michal Jilich, Co-Proponent of the project – GRAAL TECH s.r.l.

Compact electric robotic arm

Fabrizio Sciarra, Co-Proponent of the project – BK s.r.l.

Augmented Reality wearable ground-station

7 June 2023

Organizer: PhD Andrea Caffaz, Graal Tech s.r.l.

Virtual training system for diving operators in a safe and controlled environment, very realistic from a perceptual point of view

Chairman Andrea Dellacasa, Drafinsub s.r.l.


Dr. Francesco Lupi, Lead Partner of the Project – BK s.r.l.

Virtual Trainer: 3D Virtual Operating Environment and Serious Game

PhD Andrea Ravaschio, Co-Proponent of the project – GPEM s.r.l.

Motion-capture system: virtual-walking, virtual-finning

PhD Marco Gambetta, Co-Proponent of the project – GRAAL TECH s.r.l.

Controlled harness system, diving helmet with VR adaptation

7 June 2023


The “blue economy” is a huge segment of the global economy and we are fully aware of the impact of its activities on both the oceans and the land and, therefore, the importance of making it as sustainable as possible to support the European green transition. In this context, limiting environmental damages is not enough: alongside the effort to reduce emissions, it is necessary to develop circular and regenerative models that enable nature-based solutions with vitality and health for economic systems, generating new business opportunities for all the blue economy players and significantly benefiting marine ecosystems. The session will also focus on the crucial role of ports in reducing marine litter through effective waste management.


Cristian Chiavetta, Industrial researcher on Circular Economy ENEA

Chiara Lombardi, Researcher at the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services - ENEA


Alexia Spyridonidou, Business Development Manager of the Circular Economy and Climate Change Institute of the EPLO

David Pellegrini, 1° Scientific Researcher, ISPRA

Matilda Mali, Reseracher PhD Chemistry And Environmental Technology, Polytechnic University of Bari

Simone Pacciardi, Special projects, relations with the EU and market development Port Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea

Marcello Magaldi, Researcher CNR-ISMAR

Paolo Varrella, President of the “Cooperativa Mitilicoltori Associati”

Mirvana Feletti, Officer in charge of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Regione Liguria

Claudia Gianstefani, Councillor for the Environment Municipality of Lerici

7 June 2023


Scientific progress and the development of a community depend greatly on the balances created between research, politics and the industrial system. Exploring these complex dynamics is not easy, but it is essential. Different interests and different languages require careful analysis by those who are called upon to inform the community.

Introduction Journalist Silvia Baglioni

Chairman Federico Pedrocchi, Radio 24


Margherita Fronte, Journalist and Editor of Focus

Marco Bianucci, CNR-ISMAR physicist, University lecturer and science communication expert;

Alessandro Damiani, President of the European Research Promotion Agency

7 June 2023

Port/city relationship - Sustainable projects 

Every year, hundreds of millions of travelers transit through European ports. Sometimes, friction with the city where ports are located might arise because of the management of a large number of tourists, transportation congestion, and high polluting emissions. Today, thanks to the cooperation between ports, local administrators, and other public-private players such as cruise companies, it is possible to foster a better city-port relationship with projects and initiatives that support an integrated and more sustainable development of the city-port areas in terms of economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects

Moderator Federica Montaresi, Secretary General Eastern Ligurian Sea Port Authority


Alberto Cappato, General Manager AIVP

Serena Carassale, ESG and Sustainability Specialist Tarros Group

Flora Albano, Office EU Affairs, Project Management and Blended Finance Western Sicilian Sea Port Authority

Daniele Ciulli, General Manager La Spezia and Carrara Cruise Terminal

Giacomo Raul Giampedrone, Councillor for Public Works, Infrastructure and Roads, Water and Waste Cycle, Soil Protection, Environment and Land Protection Liguria Region

7 June 2023


Shipyards can play an important role in the ecological transition of the sector. It is not only about building ships that can use new fuels or green coatings, but also about the sustainable management of the shipyard’s operations, therefore the use of renewable energy and, for example, the attention to the whole waste management cycle.

Moderator TBC


Ana Casaca, Founder and CEO World of Shipping Portugal - Trainer & Researcher, External Expert European Commissiown World of Shipping Portugal

Mario Gerini, President Confindustria La Spezia

Patrizia Saccone, Councillor for Economic Development, Labour, EU Affairs, University and Research, Miglio Blu Project, Professional Education, Urban and Territorial Planning, Territorial Construction Municipality of La Spezia

Paolo Bertetti, Vice President Technical & R&D Sanlorenzo Yacht

Paolo Misitano, Quality Department Director The Italian Sea Group

Riccardo Papa, Director CISITA

Roberto Guido Sgherri, President Fondazione ITS


8 June 2023(5 events)

8 June 2023


Thales Pathmaster is a suite of tested and qualified,  interchangeable and interoperable sub systems, sensors and software that combine to bring operational advantage to navies completing all mine warfare missions. The briefing will Focus on the core software of its Mission Management System (MMS) which is enabled by M-Cube and Mine Intelligence Mapping Mi-Map. M-Cube provides complete mission cycle Planning including concept and Evaluation functionality, compliant with NATO NMW standards and doctrine.  MiMap provides Artificial Intelligence enabled sonar analysis for multiple types of sonar, with an intuitive and operator developed user interface. The Thales MMS is open architecture by design; enabling low risk integration of sovereign, domestic and third party applications, sensors, Uncrewed platforms and adjacent MCM capabilities such as sweep. It can be delivered and integrated as a stand-alone system, portable, containerised or complementing a host ship’s Combat Management System (CMS). Thales is developing and delivering the world’s best capabilities for the Mine Warfare community ensuring the navies of the world using Thales equipment maintain the tactical advantage over current and emerging threats.


Mr James Dickie, Product Line Architect - Mine Warfare - Thales

8 June 2023

8 June 2023

Pitch Session

Mathclick SRL - startup

Artificial Intelligence can be used effectively to clean up data streams coming from sensors deployed on remote sensing platforms in remote locations, and to enhance remote sensors.

Chairman Michele Grassi


Dr. Michele Grassi, CEO-CTO – Mathclick srl

“AI enhanced data streams and remote sensors”

Dr. Alessandra Licciardello, COO – Mathclick srl

“Smart remote sensing platforms”

8 June 2023

Pitch Session

Jelter - startup

Founders: Rebecca Raho, Caterina Favella and Emanuela Tarasco

Our Jelter project is based on a system designed to clean the seas of microplastics, autonomously and easily. By adopting our Jelters, jellyfish buoys, our users will be able to place them in the sea through our location and start taking care of them. An engaging way to experience a new sustainability!

Chairmen Caterina Favella – Rebecca Raho

8 June 2023

9 June 2023
10 June 2023
11 June 2023
12 June 2023
13 June 2023
14 June 2023
15 June 2023
16 June 2023
17 June 2023
18 June 2023
19 June 2023
20 June 2023
21 June 2023
22 June 2023
23 June 2023
24 June 2023
25 June 2023
26 June 2023
27 June 2023
28 June 2023
29 June 2023
30 June 2023
1 July 2023
2 July 2023