Cantiere Navale Vittoria, exhibitors at Seafuture 2023 at the booth A34, delivered the S.A.R. type TS -LCG 300 unit to the Italian Government. (Search and Rescue) on Monday 6 February during a ceremony at the Adria headquarter, in the presence of the Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Libyan Foreign Minister and the European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy.
The design and construction of the boat was entrusted to the Venetian company, specialized in the construction of military, paramilitary, work, commercial and transport boats, as part of a tender called by the General Command of the Corps of the Port Authorities in 2016 for the construction of five S.A.R units (+ ten optional) destined for the Italian Coast Guard. The remaining two units will be delivered during 2023.
We are proud to host the excellence of Italian industry at our convention, we look forward to meeting you at Seafuture!
Cantiere Navale Vittoria
The company, founded in Adria (Rovigo) in 1927 by the Duò family, designs and builds military, paramilitary work, commercial and transport boats up to 100 meters in length, respecting the highest quality standards proven by ISO 9001 certifications (Systems Management System – Requirements), ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System), ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) and ISO 3834-2 (Automatic and Manual Welding). Since its foundation, the Vittoria Shipyard has built 900 naval units, being assigned over time various supplies for boats of the Italian Coast Guard, the Fire Brigade, the Guardia di Finanza and the Navy. The company has also been awarded numerous international orders from Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia, Russia, Romania, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Oman as well as various projects from some of the most important Italian shipowners in the Oil & Gas transport and maritime works.
Cantiere Navale Vittoria
L’azienda, fondata ad Adria (Rovigo) nel 1927 dalla famiglia Duò, progetta e costruisce imbarcazioni militari, paramilitari da lavoro, commerciali e da trasporto fino a 100 metri di lunghezza, rispettando i più elevati standard qualitativi comprovati dalle certificazioni ISO 9001 (Sistema di Gestione dei Sistemi – Requisiti), ISO 14001 (Sistema di Gestione Ambientale), ISO 45001 (Sistema di Gestione della Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro) e ISO 3834-2 (Saldatura Automatica e Manuale). Dalla sua fondazione, il Cantiere Navale Vittoria ha costruito 900 unità navali, aggiudicandosi nel tempo diverse forniture per imbarcazioni della Guardia Costiera Italiana, dei Vigili del Fuoco, della Guardia di Finanza e della Marina Militare. L’azienda si è inoltre aggiudicata numerose commesse internazionali da Grecia, Malta, Cipro, Croazia, Slovenia, Russia, Romania, Libia, Tunisia, Algeria e Oman, nonché diversi progetti da parte di alcuni dei più importanti armatori italiani nel settore del trasporto Oil & Gas e dei lavori marittimi.